Add a new Device Bridge
Step 1: Navigate to the Management page
Step 2: Click the "Add Device Bridge" button
Step 3: Fill in the device bridge details
Fill in the device bridge name, and then select the Code repo from the drop-down list of available code repos. Each Device Bridge must also specify a branch of the attached code repo that Doover should use to access the device bridge. By default, Doover will use the "main" branch. For more information about creating a new code repo, see the Creating a new code repo page.
Next add the file path to the Config File within the repository. This file will typically be a JSON file, and describes the basic structure of the device application. This will default to doover_config.json. For more information on the config file, see the Config File page.
Optionally, you can add a Deployment config. This will then be the default deployment config for any devices using this device bridge that do not specify a deployment config, or who do not have a deployment config specified for the edive application.
Step 4: Saving the device application
Once you've hit save, your Device Application is ready to go!