Add a new Git Repository
Doover makes it easy to add new users to your account.
Step 1: Navigate to the Management page
Step 2: Click the "Add Git Repository" button
Step 3: Fill in the Git Repository details
Fill in the Git Repository name, then paste in the url of the git repository that you wish to add to the Doover platform. Once you've done this, click "Save".
Step 4: Saving the git repo
Once you've hit save, the page will update to show you the Repo visibility Status (either Public or Private), the Git Public Key, and a link to where you can add the Git Public Key to your git repository on github. Doover will automatically detect if the gitrepo is public or private, and if the repo is public, then there is no further setup required.
Step 5: Adding the Git Public Key to your git repository on github
Once you've added the Git Public Key to your git repository on github, you will be able to see the git repo in the Doover platform. If the repo is private, then you will need to add the Git Public Key to your git repository on github. To assist with this, Doover will automatically generate the Git Public Key for you, and provide a link to where you can add the Git Public Key to your git repository on github.
To add this key to your git repository on github, first make sure that you are logged into github in your browser, and that your account has access to the git repository that you are trying to add. Once you've done this, follow the generated link to github, and then click the "Add deploy key" button. Once you've done this, you will need to paste in the Git Public Key into the "Key" field, and then click the "Add key" button.
Step 6: Save your public key on GitHub
Create a title for your public key, and then paste in your public key from the Doover platform. You're now done! Your Git Repository is now added to the Doover platform, and you will be able to see the git repo in the Doover platform.