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Data Channels

Data channels are the primary way that data is stored and accessed within the Doover platform. Each device has multiple channels attached to it, and a data channel can only be associated with a single agent. The data itself is stored in JSON format.

List View Columns

  • Channel Name: The name of the channel. This typically provides an indication of the purpose of the channel
  • Owner Agent: The agent that the channel belongs to. This can be a device, a dashboard or other kind of Doover Agent. Devices or dashboards of the same type will typically have the same set of channels.
  • Key: The Key is a unique identifier for the channel, and is used to access the channel data from within device/dashboard drivers.

List View Actions

  • Delete selected Data Channels: Deletes the selected data channels from the device. Note that if a device driver then attempts to write to a deleted channel, it will be created again, but with a new key. Deleting channels this way means that previous data stored in the channel will be lost.
  • Publish to channel: Publishes the specified data to a data channel.

Item View Page

The item view page for a data channel provides a detailed view of the channel, including the data stored in the channel. Additionally, the Message Logs tab allows the user to navigate through the messages that have been published to the channel. To see an individual message, click on the eyeball icon in the message row.


Device Applications

Device applications are deployed to doover devices to define their behaviour. Devices can only have a single device application deployed to them at a time, and a device application is defined by the code in its associated Git repository.

List View Columns

  • Application Name: The application name is the name of the application, and typically provides an indication of the purpose of the application
  • Device Application Type: The Device Application Type indicates the type of device that the application is written for.
  • Device Count: The Device Count indicates the number of devices that the application is currently associated with.

List View Actions

  • Delete selected Device Applications: Deletes the selected device applications. Note that a device application that is still associated with a device or devices cannot be deleted.

Item View Page

  • Name: The name of the device application
  • Code repository: The code repository is the location of the code for the device application. This is typically a GitHub repository. For more information about creating a new code repo, see the Creating a new code repo page.
  • Repo branch: The branch of the code repository that the device application is deployed from.
  • Config file: The config file is the name of the configuration file for the device application. This is typically a JSON file, and is typically stored in the code repository. For more information on the config file, see the Config File page.
  • Device Type: The device type is the type of device that the application is written for.
  • Deployment config: The deployment configuration allows the user to customise the behaviour of the device application when it is deployed to a device.

Device Bridges

Device bridges are the software layer between the firmware of a device, and the Device application. At time of writing, these are primarily used for docker devices. These bridges allows the same docker device applications to run identically on different hardware platforms.

List View Columns

  • Name: The name of the device bridge
  • Code repo: The code repo is the location of the code for the device bridge. This is typically a GitHub repository.
  • Repo branch: The branch of the code repository that the device bridge is installed from.
  • Parent org: The parent organisation is the organisation that the device bridge belongs to.
  • Root owner: The root owner is the original user that created the device bridge.

List View Actions

  • Delete selected Device Bridges: Deletes the selected device bridges

Item View Page

  • Name: The name of the device bridge
  • Code repo: The code repo is the location of the code for the device bridge. This is typically a GitHub repository.
  • Repo branch: The branch of the code repository that the device bridge is installed from.
  • Config file: The config file is the name of the configuration file for the device bridge. This is typically a JSON file, and is typically stored in the code repository.
  • Deployment config: The deployment configuration allows the user to customise the behaviour of the device bridge when it is deployed to a device.

Git Repositories

All devices, dashboards and device applications are programmed by connecting to a Git repository. The Git repository is used to store the code for the device, dashboard or device application, and is applied when the relavent instance is deployed.

List View Columns

  • Name: The name of the Git repository
  • Git repo uri: The uri of the Git repository. This is the link that Doover uses to pull the code from the repository when deployed. A user can simply paste in the url of a given repo, and Doover will automatically format it into a valid uri.
  • Repo Visibility Status: The visibility of the Git repository. This indicates whether the repository is public or private, and will update automatically.

List View Actions

  • Delete selected Git Repositories: Deletes the selected Git repositories. Note that this will not delete the code from the repository, it will only remove the link to the repository from the Doover platform, and any associated devices, dashboards or device applications will retain their code, but be unable to be deployed.

Item View Page

  • Name: The name of the Git repository
  • Git repo uri: The uri of the Git repository. This is the link that Doover uses to pull the code from the repository when deployed. A user can simply paste in the url of a given repo, and Doover will automatically format it into a valid uri.
  • Repo Visibility Status: The visibility of the Git repository. This indicates whether the repository is public or private.
  • Git Public Key: The public key of the Git repository. This is used to authenticate the Git repository when deploying code to the repository.
  • Deploy keys location: A link to the location of the deploy keys for the Git repository. A user can use this link to paste the public key into the Git repository settings to allow the Doover platform to access the repository. Note that a user needs to be logged into github, and have the relavent permissions to use this link.

Message Logs

Message logs are used to store the messages that are published to channels. On the message logs page, a user can search through these messages acoording to channel, agent, and/or a datetime range

List View Columns

  • Created timestamp: The timestamp of the message
  • Channel: The agent and channel that the message was published to
  • Agent: The agent that published the message to the channel
  • Key: The unique identifier for the channel
  • Short payload: A shortened snippet of the message payload

List View Actions

  • Delete selected Message Logs: Deletes the selected message logs.

Item View Page

  • Key: The unique identifier for the channel
  • Channel: The channel that the message was published to
  • Agent: The agent that the message was published to
  • Created timestamp: The timestamp of the message
  • Payload: The contents of the message

TTN Accounts

TTN accounts are used to connect devices to the TTN network. To use a TTN account, a user must first create an account on the TTN network, and then add the TTN account to the Doover platform.

List View Columns

  • Name: The name of the TTN account
  • Owner: The owner is the organisation that the TTN account belongs to
  • Application name in TTN: The application name in TTN is the name of the application in the TTN network

List View Actions

  • Delete selected TTN Accounts: Deletes the selected TTN accounts

Item View Page

  • Name: The name of the TTN account
  • Owner: The owner is the organisation that the TTN account belongs to
  • API Key from TTN: The API key from TTN is the API key for the application in the TTN network
  • Application name in TTN: The application name in TTN is the name of the application in the TTN network
  • User id: The user id is the unique identifier for the user in the TTN network
  • Organisation id: The organisation id is the unique identifier for the organisation in the TTN network